April 27, Last Rites
Bhajans are sung, prayers are chanted, the Indian flag is draped over the coffin, and the coffin is buried behind closed curtains, to be unveiled afterward. |
Swami Lies in State
An ambulance brings Bhagawan Baba's body into Sai Kulwant Hall.
His Body lies in state as people pay their respects. |
Brindavan --the
Early Years
The early days of the Avatar's sojourns in Brindavan. The "Sairam Shed" under the venerable old tree was the gathering place, where His love entranced and rejuvenated every soul. Darshan was a Divine Poem that drew the devotee ever so close to the Heart of the Lord. |
Sweet Lord
Darshan from the 1980s and 1990s --Swami in the swing, giving out saris, gifting bicicyles to the needy, and so forth.
With popular Swami songs written and performed by well-known artists.
A one-hour delight. |
Grama Seva
The students of the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in Puttaparthi, India have long been known for their fine character and service to fellow man. This ten-minute film gives a wonderful insight into their ability to spread Swami's Love to the poorest of the poor. |
Team Player
The works of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba are reviewed from the perspective of the Team Player —things get done and success is achieved when everyone is a teammate, working together.
It's a lesson for us all. |
Educare means to bring out that which is latent within --in this case, the Human Values truth, peace, love, right conduct, and nonviolence. This documentary shows how Swami's Program in Human Values is being used throughout the world to develop people who are beacons of goodness and service to humanity. |
Sri Sathya Sai Vidhya Vahini
Vidhya Vahini
This video introduces Sathya Sai Baba's program to expand human values to rural schools and others throughout India. It was announced during the 85th birthday celebrations on 23 November 2010.
Please also visit the website for this program: www. srisathyasaividyavahini.org/ |
Pure Love
Prepare yourself for an experience.
After a brief intro of part of Suprabhatam and nagasankirtan,
we move to 45 minutes of beautiful, slow-motion shots
darshan in the early 1990s. Swami is radiant
and full of love and smiles, and the devotion of
everyone is evident. Halfway through the video, the
exquisite, moving music "How I love thee" intensifies
the devotion one feels. |
25 years of the
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
25 years of the SSSIHL
This documentary, created in November
2006, gives the highlights of the SSSIHL, which had
its start in 1968 with the founding of the woman's
college in Anantapur and became a university in 1981.
The last part of the documentary highlights the construction
of the new indoor Stadium, which was finished in
time for the 25th Convocation of the Institute. |
Premaatmane Namah Part I
A collection of rare footage of
Bhagavan during the 1960's-1970's, with bhajans added.
Shots are from the Third All-India Conference; Shivarathri
celebrations, including Vhibuthi Abhishekam; darshan;
and the inauguration of the Arts & Science College
in Brindavan. |
of Divinity
by Richard Bock
Aura of Divinity
A classic video, this part of "Aura
of Divinity" gives the history of Swami's and
shows what it was like in the "early" years.
It discusses briefly the interview Swami gave to
Mr. Karanjia, Sr. Editor of Blitz News Magazine,
in 1976. Great shots of Prasanthi Nilayam in the
60's and 70s. |
Life is His Message
by Richard Bock
Taken from a film by Richard Bock
from the late 1960s – early 1970s. This video gives
a history of Swami, explains His teachings, and
talks about materializations. We see beautiful
shots of Swami in Brindavan and Prasanthi Nilayam,
as well as the vibhuthi abhishekam,
the pouring of vibhuthi onto Shirdi Baba's statue.
We see
excerpts of Swami's famous 1968 birthday discourse
video). Don't miss this video! |
Endless Stream
by Richard Bock
Aura of Divinity
A rare and powerful film of Swami's
early years when he radiated love and youth. Includes
Abishek miracle where He produces clouds of vibhuti
from a small upturned vase plus many touching scenes
with devotees. |
is My Name
by Richard Bock
Truth is My Name
A third classic movie by Richard
Bock which shows close-up and personal videos of
Swami's early life and His touching love and energy.
Many historical images of and early Puttaparti
and the surrounding landscape. |
Beautiful bhajans sung by
and for Swami. Songs such as "Govinda Krishna
Jai Gopal" and "Allah Tumaho" sung
by students. And a bonus of Arathi with Swami there
the entire time. Inspirational and filled with
blessings. |
Jyoti Museum Opening
Museum opening
Bhagawan Sri Sathya
Sai Baba blesses us with his Darshan in this
seven-minute slow motion film showing the
opening ceremonies of the Chaitanya Jyoti
Museum at his ashram in Puttaparthi, India.
Filmed on 18 November 2000 as part of Sai
Baba's 75th Birthday Celebrations.
from the Vedas: Song of Creation
Song of Creation
This eleven-minute film
describing the Creation of the Universe contains the
words of Sathya Sai Baba and selected verses from the
Vedas - including the Rig Veda, The Atharva Veda, and
the later Upanisads. As each verse is sung, it appears
on screen in Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, and
is followed by its spoken English translation.
Universal Teacher
This film, by RIchard Bock, made in 1982, has three parts:
Part 1. Facets of Faith
Part 2. Equanimity
Part 3. Mind and meditation
Who is Sai Baba
A good introduction to Sathya Sai Baba, written, produced, and narrated by Jody Cleary. This intro gives a brief history and talks about Swami's major service projects. Several people are interviewed, and we see good shots of Swami as we listen to the narrative.
Although these videos can be downloaded,
they are designed for streaming. To obtain higher
resolution versions,
visit a Sai
bookstore. |