This film was produced by Richard Bock (in the early 1980's) and written by Janet Bock and narrated by Janet Bock and Edmond Gilbert. The film has been enhanced in several ways to improve the quality --our thanks go to Daniel Schmidt for the work he did on this and other films. It has three parts, which are described below.
Part 1. Facets of Faith
We hear Sathya Sai Baba reach beyond history to proclaim that God is One, that it is not religion but the human ego that causes hatred. As we listen to His message, we see Him giving darshan in the late 1960s and see parts of various festivals.
Part 2. Equanimity (begins at minute 27:30)
In 1980, the Third World Conference of Sai Service Organizations took place in Prasanthi Nilayam. We see glimpses of this conference and many darshans of Bhagavan, as narrators explain various aspects of His teachings on equanimity, service, and so forth.
Part 3. Mind and meditation (begins at minute 56:15)
We see parts of a Birthday Celebration, with Bhagavan giving discourses, classical Indian music played by Ravi Shankar, vocal music by the celebrated Subalakshmi, and various darshan's. Meanwhile, the narrator explains Bhagavans's teachings on meditation and the mind. |