Inspired by Sathya Sai Baba, Ethandweni White Water Sai Children’s Home is a community-based orphanage providing care for children with no family or other support. The word Ethandweni means 'place of love' in Ndebele.
The Home, opened in 1997, is a national project of the Sathya Sai Baba Service Organisation of Zimbabwe. It has had funding and support from the Sathya Sai Baba community, Danida and Danish Red Cross, amongst others.
Our children often arrive at the Home malnourished, sick and traumatized. Basic care, medical attention and improved diet can make a big difference. Decisions to admit children are closely coordinated with the local authorities, who often refer children to us. Our children attend local government schools, while 70 local children attend the Ethandweni pre-school, where a supplementary feeding program is provided. Many have been orphaned by Aids, and carry the virus themselves. We have gained access to anti-retroviral treatment (ARVs) through a government programme, funded from overseas.
We bring up our children in a caring, holistic, homely, spiritually based environment, aiming to bring out their fullest potential.
Gene Massey produced this video. |