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Children's Choir and Drama: 27 December 2010, Part I
Children's Choir and Drama: 27 December 2010, Part II

The grand finale of the three-day Christmas celebrations witnessed little children from around the world taking the center stage, singing and enacting the glory of Jesus and Sathya Sai. When two programmes, an International Children's Choir and a Musical Play, that were scheduled for the previous evening got postponed, as 'willed' by Bhagawan, this 'fresh-week' evening found a combined programme, setting a grand finale for the Christmas 2010 celebrations.

John Behner, Christmas Committee Coordinator, Alma Badings, the Choir Conductor, and Victoria Hargreaves, the Drama Director, came to Swami and took blessings.

The drama 'The Spirit of Christmas' was an enactment of the life of Jesus Christ. Set against the backdrop of a Christian home in the thick of Christmas celebrations, the presentation was centered on a little boy, Billy, who, having lost faith, was disinterested in the whole of the festive affair. But Billy comes around, and the drama ends with Billy praying to the Lord to "bless us, bless everyone!"

The 33-minute drama was laced with choir songs describing the glory of the Heavenly Father and His messenger son. The crew consisted of children from South Africa and the US, along with a couple of Scottish and Russian speaking children.

Soon after the presentation, Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose with the children. Coming on stage, Bhagawan accepted Arathi. "Samastha Lokaaha ..." was repeated for a second time at His special instance. Prasadam was distributed to the entire audience.

For more information, visit sssbpt.org/Pages/Prasanthi_Nilayam/christmas2010.html

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