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UK programs, 6 August, Part I
UK programs, 6 August, Part II

Dana Gillespie, well known western vocalist of the popular London Blues Band, presented the programme to the audience.

A Childrens Choir of 200 sing six songs, Many little hands strummed various instruments in accomaniment. Songs by the choir included, All You Need is Love ... from the Beatles by George Harrison, My Sweet Lord ..., Lord's Command, a Scottish number, Day by Day ..., to end up with Lord of the Dance...

The National Youth Choir of the UK gave a presentation titled "All is One". Beginning with "In the Garden of Heavenly Peace" the choristers sung more than ten hymns including the popular "Amazing Grace", symbolizing Bhaghagawan's bounteous grace, which brought them to Prasanthi Nilayam. The Choir had some interesting pieces from the Upanishads, an Anglican number of more than hundred years old, and a medley of Hindi songs from the 1940's joined by the entire UK contingent.

For more pictures and details, visit sssbpt.org/Pages/Prasanthi_Nilayam/ukchoir2010.html.

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