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1995 Sept 29. Sai Conference in Russia

This video shows the introduction to a Sai Conference in Russia on 29 September 1995.

After two bhajans (devotional songs), Steen Picullel is introduced and then speaks, through an interpreter. At minute 43.08, Bernhard Gruber is introduced and then speaks, through an interpreter.

Unidentified people speak about their experiences at minutes 1:03:34 (a person from the southern Ural mountains), 1:15:17 (an American), 01:22:22 (a lady), 01:30:40 (a lady), 01:42:45 (a lady), and 01:50:26 (a man).


This session of the conference begins with devotional songs led by Linda Walker on the guitar.
At minute 20:20, their is meditational flute music.
At minute 35:26, there is a report by the Russian Sai Organization.
At minute 56:46, Bernhard Gruber speaks. After his talk, the Russian devotees selected the first Coordinating Committee of Russian Speaking Countries, an historic event.

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